Wow - check this out for your chance to win a $50 GC to Mandy Mystiques store at Elemental Scraps. Mandy, aside from my CT teams, is my FAVORITE designer. If you haven't bought from ES yet, check out this chance from Mandy. And if you haven't checked out ES yet, you should just for their $1 Mondays on the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month. Great stuff!!
Here's the info from Mandy's Blog, which you can also click ----> to your right to get to as well, she's in my favorites.
Want to win a $50 Gift Certificate to MANDY MYSTIQUES ES Shop?
Elemental Scraps is having a designer contest to see who can recruit the most new customers. So i’ve decided to run a little contest of my own!For each NEW customer that makes a purchase in my Elemental Scraps Shop through the month of March will be entered into a drawing for a $50 gift certificate at the end of the month. I will draw three names!
First Place=$50 GC
Second Place =$25 GC
Third Place=$15 GC
You must be a first time shopper with me at ES to qualify though! And you have to put that in the “Customer Notes” section at the time of checkout to qualify. When you check out after you enter your payment option there will be a very large “Customer Notes” box at the bottom. Just put something like “First Time Customer” or something along those lines! This would be a perfect time to give my designs a try if you’ve been on the fence. It doesn’t even have to be a large purchase either. Dollar Day items DO qualify! Now if you have purchased with me in the past you can still win! For each new customer you refer to my shop,you will also be entered into the same drawing brackets! So you and a friend can both win! Just please remember to put “Jo Smo”(friends name) sent me and i’m a new customer in the “Customer Notes” if you don’t do this there will be no way for me to know or keep track.
Good Luck and spread the word!Any questions feel free to e-mail me at
Remember if you go there as a new customer through me, put that you are new, and you were referred by me, DEJAVU, in the customer notes when you check out!! Then we'd both be in the drawing. Easy as that!!
21 hours ago
Wow...that's a great contest that Mandy is having! Whata huge prize!