Sunday, February 15, 2009

Dream CT, day 4 of layouts

Another day, and more layouts!

I started going back to Ellie's older stuff. She has a TON of cute new things, but a few of her kits, Aquamarine & Something Wild specifically, I don't have photos for right now, so I went back and am going through her older things.

First up is Star Gazer. I LOVE this kits, the colors are great, and I'm thrilled with the layouts I've done with it so far. Here's the kit.

And my layouts.


  1. Beautiful! I love the kit and the layouts. Great Job!

  2. Cute Lo's! I love the papers in that kit! fantastic!

  3. Adorable layout - perfect colours in that kit.

  4. I love the colors of that kit!! And the layouts are awesome! Good work girl!

  5. LOVE these layouts and the kit is precious! Great job!
